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McElroy Fusion

fusion Equipment & accessories

fusion without confusion

The pipe fusion process associated with McElroy fusion machines is a widely accepted process that joins two pieces of thermoplastic pipe together with heat and pressure. While commonly associated with high-density polyethylene pipe (HDPE), McElroy fusion machines are capable of fusing or welding a variety of different types and sizes of pipe. The name McElroy is recognized worldwide as the most reliable, efficient, rugged, and technologically advanced pipe fusion equipment in the world.

Milford offers a wide range of McElroy Fusion Equipment and Accessories. Hover over each image for a brief description; click for detailed product information.


Small Diameter Equipment

Poly Fusion for 1/2" CTS to 6" DIPS

large dia

large diameter equipment

Poly Fusion for 8" IPS to 2000mm OD

medium dia - Copy

Medium Diameter Equipment

Poly Fusion for 2" IPS to 20" OD

accessories - Copy


Fusion accessories to get the job done right.

Questions about getting started? Need a quote? Contact us.